Since July, things have been hectic... Lots of work, very little time.
My parents visited Amsterdam at the end of July and I visited them during the weekend. It was a great trip that also involved windmills :) Can't let someone visit the Netherlands and not have them see windmills!
Curiosly enough, I also discovered that there are in fact many crooked houses in Amsterdam. Forwards, backwards, sideways...of all shapes and sizes. It's really amazing!
The weather could have been better but I'm not complaining because it didn't rain a lot. But the sky looked very scary...
Visiting cities with parents is always nice because you also get to go to the museums. Depending on the type of museum, I'm usually up for it... I like painting during my free time as well. We visited the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh museum :)
This area of windmills I had not yet visited, so it was a nice change. Located in Zaanse Schaans, it has siz or seven windmills all together. I definitely recomend it. You can visit some of the windmills and the whole town is very picturesque. There is also a cheese factory and a wooden shoe factory. Nothing like having all Dutch things together... The place was, of course, filled with tourists but I really liked the whole feeling of it all. It was so green!