Friday, February 10, 2012


It's been so cold the past few weeks that the Dutch saw an opportunity to hold the Elfstedentocht (in English it is referred to as the Eleven Cities Tour). It was supposed to be yesterday but because the ice didn't stay at least 15cm thick throughout the 200km of the tour. The last time the ice was thick enough to hold about 12000 amateur skaters was in 1997. This year they were all excited but apparently it was for a short time. 

However, this does not mean there is no opportunity to have fun on the ice. 

This is what I saw yesterday afternoon :)

The research group I'm working with is divided between the Experimental Centre for Technical Medicine on campus and the Medisch Spectrum Twente in Enschede.

Today, I visited the latter. I saw a lot of the rooms where they conduct EEG, EMG and other sorts of neurophysiological tests. The hospital has two buildings and because the Dutch are extremely clever, there is a 'bridge' connecting the two. Since it's such a long distance, guess what they have?

Oh yeah! Bikes!

Totally awesome by the way :) I've always wanted to ride a bike in a building. There are lots of mirrors to help you out because the turns are kind of abrupt and you need to be careful not to run anyone over...

Temperatures are slowly rising. They are expecting snow on Sunday and rain on Monday but I'm not sure that will happen. 


  1. You ride a bike inside a building?

  2. Yes :) they love it so much, they have to cycle indoors as well
